Human brains like novelty. A lot. In fact, our brains respond 3-5 times stronger to things we’ve never experienced before. Scientists say it’s all part of our survival instinct.
It is also what drives our endless quest for novel new tastes and innovative food experiences.
In 2024, the most popular Scoops all focused on that extra “something” - from adding a “wow factor” to holiday menus to including novel items on a traditional charcuterie board to what new trends to watch for in 2024.
Our team continues to search the entire world for some of the most diverse and difficult-to-source global flavors and ingredients, and then bring them to your doorstep - so you can focus on innovating, creating, and delighting.
Adding a "Wow" Factor

Building a Holiday Charcuterie Board

What's Trending in 2024

Keep reading in 2025 to hear about new trends and unique flavors available for your menu.
See what else is new at Savor.